Lyme Bay Surf

Lyme Bay is fantastically inconsistent: just barely rideable about sixty days a year. This does mean that when it is on there is virtually no hassle, as no surfer in their right mind lives here. If you do get lucky you will have a choice of a beach that breaks right and left and some reefs if you go hunting.

Just a little further north Ringstead Bay can be good around twice a year, and is occasionally very good, producing a long right hander which breaks over a shallow reef that can hold up to eight foot. There is a degree of localism here, and visitors are advised to go a little further north to Kimmeridge, known optimistically as 'K-Bay'. If you are local the best thing you can do is get hold of a boat and go exploring. There are numerous other uncharted spots in the area that are probably better than any of the ones listed here.

Lyme Regis